πŸ’₯ Welcome

Open World Gamedev Newsletter

This newsletter will cover all manner of things related to developing open world games. While it is primarily aimed at computer games, there are a lot of excellent open world resources available for tabletop RPGs too. The newsletter does not aim to produce content or contain a lot of copy or analysis, but instead to link to it as we find it - old and new - across the interwebs.

Within the scope of open worlds, the newsletter will cover a wide area of topics:

  • Programming
  • Game design
  • Procedural Generation
  • World building
  • Art
  • Technical art
  • Bundles
  • Writing
  • Map and level design
  • ...I think you get the idea. :)

I would also like to cover games and shine some limelight on indie developers working on these types of games.

This newsletter is heavily inspired by other terrific newsletters:

How do I subscribe?

Sorry, I don't have a way to do that yet. Best to follow me on Twitter (opens in a new tab) or Mastodon (opens in a new tab).

You can also join the Discord (opens in a new tab)! It has a dedicated section to this newsletter and open world development discussion. :)

Who am I?

My name is Anders Elfgren and I've been in the games industry for some 15+ years now, having worked on a few well known open world games a long time ago. Currently I'm at ControlZee making dot big bang (opens in a new tab)!

My side project is an incredibly ambitious open world single player RPG (opens in a new tab), which is as you might imagine the main reason for my interest in running this newsletter. I used to just collect inspiration and resources in private notes, I might as well share them!

Last updated on April 28, 2024