
Open World Gamedev 2023/002

Hi and welcome to the second issue of this newsletter! Today's date is 2023-03-01.

Just so you know, yes, I read through or watch (or listen) to all of the resources! 😊 (Eventually... with varying degrees of attention-payingness...). While I may not agree 100% with all of them I think they have something interesting to say directly or tangentially related to open world game development. It is a quite personal list in the sense that is resources that I come across and like. That said I happily take suggestions, especially to lesser known categories, resources, or content creators!


Sidenote: This issue has a bit of an accidental grass theme. But who doesn't like some nice grass? 😊


Sidenote 2: Our Discord (opens in a new tab) is small but cozy, and we have almost daily chats about various open worldy things. The day after this issue is posted, we will have an event where we'll hang out in the voice channel and talk about whatever open worldy things (that's our specialty as you can tell) that come to mind. 😊

πŸ“Ί Videos

πŸ“œ Articles

πŸ“¦ Assets, Code & Tools

πŸ“˜ Books!


Sidenote: I made a video review of this week's books! Also the last week's! And here's me from the future, having learnt how to do video embeds!

😍 Cool Nuggets ✨


Sidenote: Tbh it's hard to pick just one cool thing from Robert's Wilderless feed!

🎁 Bonus Stuff

πŸ•Ή Open World Game News


Sidenote: Hmmm no other major open world games released this month, right...? πŸ˜‚