
Open World Gamedev 2023/005

Hi and welcome to the fifth issue of this newsletter! Today's date is 2023-06-14.

Well, from last time I had a bunch of city related resources remaining, so here they are! (Also many other ones!)


Share me: Boosting the newsletter helps more people find it so please do. πŸ₯° Here are the announcement posts for Twitter (opens in a new tab) and Mastodon (opens in a new tab).


Sidenote 1: I'm quite tempted to make next issue Immersive Sim-focused. Or possibly scalabilty-focused. If you have resources on these topics please send them my way!

πŸ“Ί Videos


Sidenote 2: My personal top tip this time is the video by Adam Srayi! Also I've been falling in love with Tim Cain's channel, so much good stuff coming at an incredible pace.

πŸ“œ Articles


Sidenote 3: Definitely check out Sander's article. I think he's correct, and as a user of his Flecs library, it's the path I will attempt to take with Tides of Revival.

πŸ“¦ Assets, Code & Tools


Sidenote 4: Boris's tile tool is awesome! I also can't resist humble-bragging and mention that jc_voronoi, the best C voronoi library out there, is made by my friend Mathias!

πŸ“˜ Physical Products!

  • [Content] Herbalist's Primer (opens in a new tab). Mini-review: Fantasy-focused Florapedia that at first glance looks like a real botanical resource but has fun magical properties and quest hooks.

Check out my video review of Herbalist's Primer here!

😍 Cool Nuggets ✨


Sidenote 5: Love this section. Hope you find someone new to follow! 🀩

🎁 Bonus Stuff


Endnote 1: Still amazed how every time each issue becomes huge! Even with a theme. Split into two!


Endnote 2: As always, thanks for reading! πŸ˜€ I'm on Twitter (opens in a new tab), Mastodon (opens in a new tab), Youtube (opens in a new tab).

You can also come and chat to me and a bunch of other open worlders over at our Open World Gamedev / Tides of Revival Discord server (opens in a new tab). Many of the resources get posted and discussed there first.