
Open World Gamedev 2023/001

Hi and welcome to the inaugural issue of this newsletter! Today's date is 2023-02-08.

The aim is twofold:

  • Every issue (monthly-ish?) will have lots of cool resources relating to open world game development. (I'm particularly interested in single-player, procedural generation, and systematic game design!)
  • The web site will, as a result, in and of itself, in time, be a fantastic resource for anyone interested in open world game development.

You can read more here! If you like what you see, like and subscribe, yadayada, and also, please let us know what you thinkπŸ˜€ Since this is the first one I am particularly interested in if you think it's diverse enough - are there are any categories I have totally missed? Any authors or creators I should be aware of? I really want this to be a newsletter for anyone interested in the subject!

Let's get started!

πŸ“Ί Videos

πŸ“œ Articles

πŸ“¦ Assets, Code & Tools

πŸ“˜ Books!


Sidenote: I think it'd be fun to make short mini-review videos. I personally like watching people show what books actually look like. So I might do that next time - didn't have time now!

😍 Cool Nuggets

🎁 Bonus Stuff

πŸ•Ή Open World Game News


Sidenote: It is very cool that there are so many indie open world games out there! I don't mind sharing big news of open world AAA games, but they are a bit less frequent... Come on Todd, ES6 when?!

Oh and I'm well aware that most games don't have a single creator - except for Warren Spector's, of course (opens in a new tab) - so apologies for only linking one per game!